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woman's body

According The Science

What happens in a woman's body when they shake hands with man?

It has been proven scientifically that the surface of the skin in humans that contains millions of cells that transmit sensations to the brain, if touched by the man the woman's hand began signals resulting from contact apply to the brain, where analyzed and linked with his or her hand. When this process is repeated again and again his/her brain stores this information drives the passion the man or woman leaving the emotions and psychological impact remains stored for long periods.

The psychological emotions related to shake hands with women, men, and vice-versa excite instincts inherent in both sexes, which pay for more than emotion and that may be the cause of the evolution of the relationship between man and woman, leading to falling into the outrageous. At the very least may cause frequent handshaking between men and women and the frequent mixing between them to confuse the mind and influenced decision-making process when the parties.

According The Islamic Belief

Islam wants the believer to be lucid and in stable condition and reassuring the heart, so we find the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him amounts insured to high degrees of purity and chastity. And our religion and our Prophet commanded us to keep away from all of this and something to discord between men and women.

They closed the ports of Satan and methods of corruption. Almighty said: (Say to the believing avert their eyes from the sight and keep the guard that is purer for them that Allah is Aware of what they do).

Conclusion Words

Handshaking between woman and man is very common in many especially in India and Pakistan. When they meet they exchange handshaking. It’s also tradition in many families. These families like to handshaking.
But after reading this article it will be clear that handshaking between woman and man is lead to outrageous and force to brain to attract each other. So if you want to avoid attracting to a woman or man, never handshake with woman or man.

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