
Header of Oyechaska Jinn (Hidden creatures) In Girls Ear -- Girl Died
Image Credit : BBC Urdu
Source : Wikipedia
Hidden creatures or giants. According to Islamic belief, which creates an invisible creature is made from fire. The man and the angels are created from dust and light. Of men believed that they have the ability to change into different types. Giants are mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. Which is also the beginning of a chapter of the Qur'an begins with the verse that the Prophet, peace be upon men read the Koran and found it strange when he told his comrades were Muslim.
Satan is said about how he was one of the jinn. So when Adam was asked to prostrate, and he refused, saying that I am born of fire and Adam from dust. Some commentators say that the devil is a woman. Worship and learning, but the high point was reached. And the angels had begun to count.
Arabs before Islam were mentions of men. That night there was a time when traveling through the area when the passenger referred to princes of the men were asleep. It is said that before the creation of man, who lived in the world. Was created from the fire and he had the temptation and corruption. Solomon is described in the Qur'an about the jinn was his government. Solomon had built the places of worship 'Temple'. They were made by men.
References : Wikipedia

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